The Fall 2010 semester is now over. Yesterday was my last final. What a relief it is to have a few weeks off. I have 1 more semester of classes and then 1 summer class for a month and then I am in full swing student teaching! I am so excited to teach i really really am. I can't wait! I know it is going to be hard and stressful at times but will be well worth it. Glorious!
Christmas is almost here. Nikki and I are working on presents and a nativity for her room. We are excited to celebrate Jesus' Birthday. I think we will make a cake this year. She has a program at school on Tuesday. Last year she was in her own world on stage having nothing to do with the actual performance while all of the other kids were singing and ringing their bells. Nikki was standing backwards, dancing, sitting and picking stuff up from the floor, later to learn she was picking up sparkles. She is funny.
Anyway I'll try and post some pictures of her Christmas program, maybe even get a video to post. She is such a big girl. Ready to be a big sister!
Our baby boy is due April 8th, we don't have any names picked out yet but we are very excited. Now that Christmas break is going we will be doing his room and hopefully Nikki's room as well if we have time. It is so exciting I can't believe we are going to have 2 kids! YAY
Till next time.